
Finance Board Moves $1 Million From Education Budget

The Newtown Board of Finance has made the decision to move $1 million from the education budget due to financial challenges faced by the town’s taxpayers. During a three-hour meeting on February 26, the finance board debated over the final numbers of the proposed 2024-25 education budget. After removing $455,000 in maintenance costs and making additional cuts of $554,383, the Board of Education’s budget was reduced to $88,817,373, representing a 4.4% increase over the previous year.

The finance board made two votes on these exact numbers, with some members requesting a reconsideration of the first vote. Ultimately, the budget was approved with a 5-1 vote, with Stephen Goodridge voting against. Concerns were raised about the sustainability of the school budget, which has increased by $10 million over the past nine years and is projected to increase by another $10 million over the next two years.

Superintendent Chris Melillo highlighted the challenges faced by the district, including the need to address learning loss from the pandemic, increasing contractual salaries, and rising health benefits costs. The major drivers of the school budget increase include salary increases, benefits, supplies, purchased property services, other purchased services, and property and equipment.

The municipal budget, on the other hand, was approved without cuts, resulting in a $48,834,506 budget, representing a 2.75% spending increase. An amendment to add $100,000 for an additional police officer was defeated, with First Selectman Jeff Capeci stating that an additional officer was not warranted at this time.

The overall budget of $137,651,879, reflecting a 3.7% spending increase, will now be reviewed by the Legislative Council for possible cuts and final approval. The mill rate is proposed to increase from 26.24 to 27.24, representing a 1 mill or 3.82% tax increase. The budget will be decided by voters in a referendum on April 23.

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